In recent years, public entities in California have experienced higher-than-normal jury verdicts and settlements due in part to social inflation, with liability cases involving law enforcement increasing dramatically in severity and frequency. This not only leads to significant fiscal losses for all parties involved, but promotes distrust between police departments and the constituents they are sworn to protect.
In an effort to assist its members with facilitating a positive culture change and mitigate losses, CARMA is proud to announce a partnership with the Georgetown University Law Center for Innovations in Community Safety (CICS) to sponsor and implement the Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) Project. The ABLE project is a new, highly sought police liability training program that provides practical active bystandership strategies and tactics to prevent misconduct, reduce officer mistakes, and promote officer health and wellness, and is being implemented all over the United States with great enthusiasm and success.
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ABLE helps prepare officers to successfully intervene to prevent harm and to create a law enforcement culture that supports peer intervention.