
Need Assistance?

Program Administration Services

CARMA contracts with Sedgwick to handle the day-to-day operations of the JPA providing general administration, litigation, and financial services.

Liability Claims Oversight

Our litigation management specialists employ strategies to defend public entities in liability claims. We focus on protecting your funds and reducing litigation management costs.

Certificate of Coverage

Members can request a certificate to show proof of coverage or name a third party as an additional covered party. *Please allow up to 5 business days for processing*

Travel Expense Reimbursement Requests

Members of the Board of Directors can submit a request for reimbursement of travel-related expenses for CARMA meetings.

Quick Access Links

Access to the most sought after resources requested by our members.

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Self-Insured Program Administrator

CARMA contracts with Sedgwick to handle the day-to-day operations of the group. The firm's employees provide general administrative, financial management, litigation management, risk management, accounting, and other services as necessary for the operations of CARMA.

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